KLM is among world most renowned airlines. KLM is known for excellence in service and punctuality. With perfect onboard services and friendly cabin crew, KLM is always busy in improving their valued customer experience. The number of destinations to which KLM operates is increasing with the demand of passengers. Choose KLM to enjoy a safe and excellent air flight trip. Here are some of the distinguishing characteristics of this amazing airline.
Tour Attractions
London Tower
Eifel Tower
One piece is allowed, not weighing more than 12kg and with maximum dimensions of 55 x 35 x 25 cm.
Economy Class you will be allowed two bags weighing up to 30kg each. Business-Class flyers have a checked-baggage allowance of three bags weighing up to 30kg each. Children under two years have a free baggage allowance of 10kg.
Excess luggage will be charged at £90 per additional piece weighing up to 30 kg.
Transportation of ski equipment, surfs, golf bags, windsurfs, bicycle etc, is allowed as registered baggage against space availability.